more... Nicole Michelle: January 2009

Nicole Michelle

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Location: Kingwood, Texas

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Rejoice in the Lord Always, and again I say Rejoice"

I love italian. While I still know very little, getting to use the smallest bits is great. I've bought a metro ticket, saline solution, and given two people directions in broken fragments, but I'm all about celebrating victory in the small things. Thats a great lesson I took away from Paris, rejoice in the smallest accomplishments.

I've celebrated turning on the stove, unlocking our door, successful trips to the store and post office, and falling asleep despite the constant traffic noises.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I feel like its been months since I've last posted an update, but it really has only been a few weeks. The mass of emotion and traveling are probably to blame.

I'm settled into my apartment, unpacked and enjoying the beauty of Rome. I've made some new friends and already had to say goodbye to them, but the ones I need are right here. I'll be here, in contact for the next two weeks; learning the metro and what the heck to buy at the grocery store. I was hesitate about what to expect, but I'm learning to trust.

There's so many stories I have already, but really, no room to write them. Email me, I can always call on skype...which I just rediscovered...

Right now I'm reading through the book of Acts, and once I finish that I will move straight to Romans, fitting ain't it ;)

A study of the early church is what every southern baptist needs.

a tarde,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

He's got the whole world in His hands

I am convinced that God is truly in control. By opening doors and giving opportunities. By taking away those same opportunities and giving news ones. By perfectly matching the people we meet from our personalities all the way to our piercings. If our prayers are perfectly aligned with His will, I believe He will go above and beyond what we ask of Him.

Two weeks till I leave. Lately, stress would probably be the only emotion I would describe feeling; maybe add to that doubt, confusion and worry. While trying to convince myself that everything was going to work out, I realized that I alone could not change my attitude. So that's, solely, been my focus in my quiet time. And with a little extra prayer, I've seen such a change in my attitude.

I'm so excited, and actually believe that everything WILL be ok. And I would have never gotten to this point without the encouragement of my family.

"It's going to be good and hard and scary, but mostly good."

of that I am convinced.