more... Nicole Michelle: August 2008

Nicole Michelle

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Location: Kingwood, Texas

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tear Stained Peaches

After losing my last journal in the African wilderness, I've decided this time around to try blogging...

One year after coming back from Uganda (and hating it) I long to see that African sky. About three weeks ago, I was sitting on my living room floor eating peaches. I had a friend get back from Africa a few months ago, and after reading some of his poetry, tears came to my eyes. The desire to be back in Africa, or at least back on the mission field was overwhelming...

but God is faithful
and answers the cries of His people's hearts

So next Febuary through June I will be backpacking through Italy gathering enthnograhic data that the IMB will use for future missions trips. It's not Africa, but I have faith that one day I'll go back.

I don't have all of the information right now, there will be more soon.
~Nicole Michelle