more... Nicole Michelle: Psalm 51
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Location: Kingwood, Texas

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Psalm 51

Today has been a flood of emotion.

I recieved an email from Chris in Rome, he'll be my go to guy for the trip. Pray for him. I will continue to update you as I recieve his emails. I'll be living in an apartment in Italy, where I will be based with my partner, for part of the trip. My orientation will be in Paris, and debreifing will be in London, tentatively....

As I scanned his email my heart was bursting in my chest. If I hadn't been at work I'll probably would have been jumping up and down... But once I read it more carefully I realized orientation and debriefing where not originally calculated in the length of the trip. I'll be gone for nearly five months, not four. With that news, my heart gained a few pounds...

I also received an email from my partner, Melissa. Sh lives in Austin, which is perfect since i'm there all the time. Pray for her and our relationship.

I like to think of myself as very independent, but toughness aside, I'm going to miss home. Communication is vital for me. But God knew this, and He is gracious. I will have a phone and internet access in my apartment. When I'm not there I will have access to the internet through wireless cafes. So everyone, familiarize yourself with Skype :)

Today, this trip became a reality for me, and emotions are hard to sort at times; but it's these times that I cherish the most. At the foot of the cross...where grace and suffering meet.

"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to you. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, The God of my salvation, and my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness." - Ps 51:12-14


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